Here at Topeka Bible Church we are blessed to have many talented and creative people volunteering their artistic talents for God's Kingdom. In many cases, we also have the privilege of providing them with the resources to do so. If you have been coming to TBC for more than 6 months, you'll notice that a lot has changed at TBC in a specific area of our worship services: Lighting.
Initially, this took the form of adding some simple color washes to the stage walls and dimming the house lights during music to minimize distraction and maximize the focus on whatever worship element was taking place. However, in the past two months, we have been able to expand our lighting capabilities to include a variety of very flexible light fixtures. These fixtures allow us to control the color, intensity, and in some cases the position and pattern of the lights. Our talented volunteer lighting operators have tackled this new system and done a great job using these tools as another artistic element in our services. But you may be asking, "Why? Whats with all the lights?"
This use of light in churches is really nothing new, it has simply changed form. For a thousand years architects have been creating churches that use stained glass to create amazing scenes of light and color, to remind people of the glory and beauty of God. In the even more distant past, God instructed the Israelites to create a beautiful and ornate Tabernacle (Exodus 25) and later on, an even more ornate and extraordinary Temple (1 Kings 6-7). Why does God command what is seemingly so opulent? It is because beauty and art esteem glory and value to God and point people to Him.
Lighting is a powerful tool. When used effectively, it can be used to convey joy, reflection, excitement, awe, etc. It can help focus attention and eliminate distraction. Its is also an art that adds beauty, depth, and creativity to a space. Humans are creative beings, made in the image of our great Creator. Creativity naturally inspires and moves us. That is what prompts composers to write breathtaking music, painters to create masterworks, and authors to formulate gripping prose and poetry. God is honored when we use these creative gifts in worship.
So why do we use creative lighting? We use creative lighting, along with compelling visuals, engaging media, excellent music, meaningful words, and carefully crafted teaching in order to do two things and two things only: 1.) to ascribe glory to our magnificent God and 2.) to communicate the Truth of the Gospel in order to lead people to life in Christ. All of those creative elements work together to present an engaging, cohesive, sometimes somber, sometimes inspiring environment where people can be encouraged to freely and authentically worship.
Feel free to chime in on the discussion. I welcome your comments!
i've gone to TBC my whole life until i moved to OKC 5 years ago for school/job. In OKC i attend Lifechurch where they take lighting to a whole new level with a minimum of 10 movers at any given location. Since attending, worship has gone to a whole new level for me. Who knew lighting would make such a difference but in fact it does! When my parents told me TBC added some movers and other lighting i was thrilled they went in that direction. Bryan has done a lot of great things since becoming Worship pastor and this is another one
ReplyDeleteI've heard many people saying that they like what it adds to the service - energy, transparency, emphasis, etc...
ReplyDeleteExcellent - Thanks Kaleb!
The lighting changes during worship are awesome. Adds a whole new dimension.
ReplyDeleteDuring the sermon, could the lights be brought up just a little more, though? Sometimes it's a little too dim to see our Bibles and notes easily. *old eyes
ReplyDeleteDuring the sermon our lights are at 100%. I totally agree that it could be brighter for reading but our house lighting system in the auditorium is very old and uneven. Hopefully that is something we can someday improve!